Go4 Asset Overview

Total asset registry - great for year end financials and reporting.

Tax deductable as system is used for business.

Proof of item ownership for insurance purposes.

Reminder function fo r vehicle and driver license expiry dates.

Reminder function for upgrades due on electronic equipment.

Notification of new item added on the system to your insurance broker in order to update your insurance policy.

Mass vehicle value updater with instruction to your insurance broker to reduce values.

Depreciation of items function – user level set-up.

Claims notification on any item with auto-generation of claim forms (pre-populated with info).

Exporting of items information with insured values to Excel.

Total asset registry - great for year end financials and reporting.

Multiple branches per client can be accommodated.

Vehicles can be assigned to specific drivers.

Items can be assigned to staff members.

Total asset registry - great for year end financials and reporting.

Items can be photographed from within the system and linked to item.

Allow items to be checked out (To a person or place).

Pie graphs for stats.

Warranty tracking (Add warranty tracking with a report indicating items where the warranty is expired).

Maintenance (Maintenance scheduler with a reminder and report of items due for maintenance)

We are all focused on our core business and an Asset register is not always front of mind, Excel sheets get lost and formatting is always a challenge. Go4 Asset offers you a platform to easily extract a complete Asset register at the click of a button, as well as manage the assets location and to whom it has been issued. Additionally you can add depreciation for your auditor! The insurance health of your assets are also taken care of.

Asset creation/management

Add all of your assets and their current market value. Vehicles, office equipment, tools, stationary, etc... There is no limit!

Manage your claims and finances

Use the system to manage claims for your assets. Load progress reports, upload files, etc.

Mass vehicle value update

You can run a mass vehicle value update on all of your vehicles to retrieve their most up-to-date market value.


The system will remind you when your vehicle or drivers license is about to expire.

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Our suite of software products speaks directly to short term insurance financial services providers. We believe in innovation, automation and insuretech as the pillars of our business.

164 Waverley Road,
Dan Pienaar,