What we do...

Our online software suite of products speaks directly to short term insurance financial services providers.


We believe in innovation, automation, and insurance technology as the pillars of our business.

The insurance market has been flooded with new legislative requirements on financial service providers and this has created excessive administration, and for Go4 Software this has provided us with business opportunities to develop online solutions that provide a smooth operational flow for short term insurance financial services providers.


View our product suite for the perfect online solutions for your short term insurance business.

You have just been...


K - Knowledge

Ideas acquired by study

I - Innovation

Practical implementation

S - Service Delivery

Business framework that supplies services

D - Design

Process of imagining and planning


Who we are...

Marius acts as the Managing Director and has over 25 years’ experience in the short term insurance industry.


Christiaan is the Technology Director and head of our development team with over 20 years software development and IT experience.


In 2015, Moonstone Information Refinery (Pty) Ltd obtained a shareholding in Go4 Software and works with us to add legislative features to the system.

Marius Breedt

Entrepreneur (25 years) People Driven Wants to change the world

Hjalmar Bekker

Visionary / Company Builder (40 years) Embracing of New Ideas Mentor

Christiaan Jacobs

Lead Developer (23 years) Makes code Work

Billy Seyffert

Compliance / Legal Expert (25 years) Results Focussed A Steady Hand

Charles Harvey

Marketing (25 years) Relationship Driven Understands Needs

Dylan de st Pern

Senior Developer (8 years) Sees code as Art

Frans Henning

Senior Developer (8 years) Sees code as Maths

Reiana Theunissen

Meticulous Perfectionist Always has a smile

A revolutionary new web-based software system for Brokers, Administrators and Underwriting Managers to service the needs of clients across all products…

In an ever-changing digital world, the insurance industry should also stay in the game and make use of the latest and newest developments available…

Introducing a wonderful new online tool for Asset management, Fleet management and many more applications…

Introducing a wonderful new online tool for Product Specific Training, Internal examinations and many more applications..

We have developed a web based software system for complaints management that ensures General Code…

If you are a customer that does surveys on a regular basis for whatever field you are in, then this system is for you…


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What our Clients say About us

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Our suite of software products speaks directly to short term insurance financial services providers. We believe in innovation, automation and insuretech as the pillars of our business.

164 Waverley Road,
Dan Pienaar,